I don’t like homework

Don’t judge me, I love all that I do, and I always do it enthusiastically. Nonetheless, I can't shake off the scorn I feel towards homework. Like many of you, the teachers I work with are simply exceptional and I'm extremely happy with the turn that education is taking.

Other than that, I’m still bitter towards homework.

The homework concept is a conventional practice that has grown out of in the public eye yet we can't get rid of it. Other than being known as the anti-homework guy, I have several supporters who believe in the path I’ve chosen to better education. However, many of my critics simply think that my efforts are purely for show and that’s okay.

First things first, you should understand that I’m not trying to get rid of homework in our schools. I'm really happy when kids write wonderful works using these chemistry research topics if they are passionate about science. I simply disdain its present structure. I unequivocally accept that if we changed the manner in which we handle it and choose to make it more intentional, then we would be in a much better standing right now.

Presently, these assignments only seem to favor only a few and it is evident that this sort of task doesn't consider students who are less fortunate meaning that they can’t get their hands on the right resources to work on the assignments. That said, homework is now perceived as one of the earliest killers of the American dream for the wide majority who are unprivileged.

One of our stories quickly became viral throughout the nation and therefore packed my schedule for the week with numerous interviews. To many, this could seem like progress but the truth is that I was literally exhausted. Luckily, I got a quick getaway the following weekend and had a lot of fun.

Nonetheless, I was woken up by sounds in my son’s room way past midnight. Ignoring this was not an option and I just had to go see what was happening. Trust me you, I did not like what I saw. I was heartbroken to find my son battling to complete his assignments at that hour. He tried printing his work but for some reason the printer was already “asleep.” As a result, he became frustrated and started banging the damn thing not realizing that the power cable was disconnected.

Notwithstanding the anger, I couldn’t let this pass. I critically thought about the whole situation, almost sent out an inappropriate email to the teacher in charge, bit later realized that we could make homework better by considering the following:

  • We should stop evaluating homework
  • Educate students on reasons why homework assignments are critical for their future career
  • Focus on making homework useful and necessary
  • Make use of technological innovations and provide students with more support through tutorial videos
  • Use online based classroom platforms for off the class conversations
  • Teachers should give timely feedback and support

Like many of you, I would like to have some peace in my home. It is therefore critical to adopt the basic strategies and focus on improving homework quality as a team effort.
